iPhone App Directory

SynthStation in the SynthStation

Synthstation sitting in the SynthStation25.

I do wonder if an update will ever come along for this app? It so needs some recording ability to work properly with the keyboard!

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  1. It seems to me that they probably only created the app to sell hardware and now that there are many better apps that use the keyboard they have no reason to update the app. I really dont see Synthstation competing. There is a step sequencer in the thing and a song mode, but they don't compare favorably with recording capabilities of other apps

  2. I agree with Duke. I even could bet that the app wasn't made by the Akai team, but another supplier. It's not Akai's core competence.

  3. i was wondering... may be they'll make one update when the Synthstation49 where officially released. isn't?

  4. kovsky10:27 pm

    they dont even update their sale


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