iPhone App Directory

BeatMakerTV - Prophet 64 Running on C64 Demo iPad iPhone App

Via BeatMakerTV.

Commodore 64 - Manomio LLC

Clip to Evernote


  1. clever, but I cant imagine this being very useable, ive got a hardware c64 + MSSIAH cartridge (the successor to Prophet64) and even that is a complicated beast to work on its own :)

  2. how do i get this please? pleeeeease

  3. It's the C64 app you need off the app store

  4. It's cool if you want to sample a few sounds.

  5. Anonymous11:12 pm

    I have specific questions of how this is done also. I know you have to buy the emulator but:

    If I have backed up prophet 64 rom can I load this into the emulator? And how (wifi, itunes, ftp ect)?

    Is it possible to buy the prophet 64 rom?

    If you already own the prophet64 is it possible to acquire a non-demo version c64 file?


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