iPhone App Directory

Monle is not dead!

Which is great news! I've had a chat with the developer, and whilst I can't tell you all the details I can say that monle isn't dead and good things are coming.

I'll let you know more as and when I can.

Clip to Evernote


  1. I use this alot to get loops into the Moog app.

    And I like to say "Show me the Monie"!

  2. formal6:09 pm

    Non related question, but since multitrack DAW is the closest in relation to monle, does anybody know if Multitack allows for you to set volume/pan envelopes? I don't care about FX I just want the ability to blend and pan samples.

  3. Kovsky2:14 am

    loopxtreme can do that
    no effects but a lot of options and features.

  4. formal4:35 am

    Well I need an app I can track out on kinda like Reaper, Cubase, Acid etc etc. Beatmaker 2 will work for now I guess.


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