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iPad 2, what do we think?

So, it is what most expected. iPad 2 with cameras, thinner, faster etc. I have to admit it looks nice, although no news on when or how much in the UK as yet.

I have to admit I do like the look of it, but as yet I'm not certain I'll make the jump as yet.

As always I'm really interested in what you think about the iPad 2, and if you'll be buying one.

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  1. Comes to UK on March 25th.

    Price is "the same as before", but does that mean what we paid (my 32gb Wifi *was* £499) or what it is now in the store (32gb Wifi is £399). Or are the lower prices a fire sale on the V1 devices?

    At £399 for the 32gb iPad2 it sounds a bit more tempting to find stuff to sell on ebay.

  2. Icepulse9:20 pm

    Will GarageBand work w/ the 1st Gen pad?

  3. Check this twitter feed out:


    Hopefully it's true!

  4. larryl9:33 pm

    I hope that's true. Editing waveforms and using those drums would be nice.

    Also, I think it means IK will have to step it up. I will say, I use amplitube for the pad and phone and am very happy with it. Especially with the new Fender amp models, but still....it's garageband.

  5. Anonymous9:41 pm

    GarageBand looks quite sweet, but I suspect Apple just killed the indi iPad music creation app market.

    It's been nice knowing ya.

  6. johnnyg010:00 pm

    Its weird that they didn't say how much RAM is in the ipad2 or what graphic chip its using. What are they hiding?

    The less than 1 megapixel camera is laughable (same as the latest ipod touch).

    I don't think Garageband will hurt all the indy IOS audio software makers, but those who make recording apps like Four Track might feel it. For only 5$, it packs a lot of features, people selling apps for 20$ and more might have to rethink their pricing.

    ... but if Garageband for the ipad ever support AU plugins like its desktop counterpart, then it will make every IOS music app obsolete (or most of them).

  7. I don't think so, my view is that it will bring more people in who know GB from the desktop and give it a go on the iPad and then realise that there's a load more you can do in mobile music on the iPad besides.

    I think it'll be good to stimulate the market as a whole.

  8. It may well be they killed it, but I am hopeful that IK and others will still have a niche as "Pro" apps. GB is for amateurs (but it is still cool)

  9. larryl10:26 pm

    Johnnyg, here's one answer to your question. Possibly still 265 mb of RAM.


    Like I said, I'm fully vested in IK and will remain so. But for $5, I will try GB. Especially for tapping out drums and editing.

  10. Robert11:01 pm


    They never advertised RAM or graphics processor in the first one either. Only after iFixit did a teardown did they reveal that it was 256mb on iPad 1.

    Apple has nothing to hide, as they don't need to sell the iPad on a bunch of worthless specs like Moto and others do with their tablets.

    iOS is lean and mean, and by all accounts so far the iPad 2 is absolutely blazing fast.

  11. It's a beautiful design, and I certainly want one.

    But what still niggles at me is that at the end of the day, it's still just a computer with a more sophisticated interface than windows, with Apple's famed marketing machine behind it.

    In the right hands, a good musician will still make brilliant electronic music from a couple of cheap guitar pedals.

  12. Anonymous11:51 pm

    Specs don't matter to Apple unless specs happen to be things like "dual core A5" or "720p video." Specs
    only don't matter to Steve when the comparison is unflattering.

  13. @Robert "iOS is lean and mean"
    Actually iOS's Darwin kernel is a bit of a liability compared to the Linux kernel and the QNX kernel underlying the competition. IPC and context switches are much more costly on Darwin.

  14. It was an impressive presentation but the main problem I still have is that to get an iPad2, even at the entry level and with a couple of accessories will still put me back nearly $600. That's why Apple is so brilliant. They make you want to spend $600, even if you can't really afford it!

    I can only wish I had that kind of discretionary money lying around, just waiting to be spent....

  15. Robert2:43 am

    @anon and @Richard

    You may be right, and can nitpick all you want, but I still say at the end of the day, the proof is in the pudding. Your complaints sound a bit like sour grapes to me.

  16. Jonathan3:37 am

    Apogee just got into the interface game - looks like a proper audio interface for the format!


  17. I'm glad I waited. I gotta have it dressed in black.

    My only gripe is the RAM (I hope its 512 or above), and the HEADPHONE Jack! The jack doesn't look as solid as the iPad 1..

    Can't wait to make my first 2011 Beat Video on that Beast.

  18. It's amazing, no pre-order, no waiting. Presto! March 11. In the hands of the masses before they can even catch theirs breaths. Superior marketing strategy.

    But,I won't be getting an iPad 2 because I just bought the new MacBook Pro, but I hope that it meets the expectations of everyone who does get one :)

    BTW, Steve looks pretty good and gave an excellent presentation as always.

  19. seems pretty good for a mobile musician (twice as fast processor). Providing the RAM is ok, the only other thing i would have wanted was a USB port to plug in those controllers - but that's never going to happen!

  20. Want it, but the original ipad is enough for me now. New MBP wanted more to replace four year old machine.

  21. Anonymous8:06 am

    When it comes to Apple, i have one premise, never buy the 2nd gen iDevice, its just a small update, its a kind of iPad 1.5 - It´s a good time now to save some money for Ipad3 - IMHO


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