iPhone App Directory

Still waiting for Isle of Tune to come to iOS

This seems to have been going on a long time. I really liked the idea, but I think it has been over 2 months since I first heard of it, and no news.

Anyone know anything?

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1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:14 pm

    hey there, isle of tune for iOS (and later Android) is coming along nicely. Unfortunately as indie devs we do not have the resources to get it out as quickly as we would like! Work began in earnest on it around later december so we are on our 3 month estimate ok - I'll have a version to play around with at SXSW in early/mid march so if you are around I'd be happy to show you. Will get some kind of blog/video up to show progress as we near launch!

    cheers, jim hall


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