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ORGAN+ for iPhone and iPad from Yonac

Something new coming from Yonac:

A demo for ORGAN+, a tonewheel and transistor organ emulator for the iPhone and iPad. It has 7 individual organ engines, two manuals, 9 drawbars per manual and a whole lotta effects, including key clicks, percussions, chorus etcetera. You can save your own presets, record something, play it back or bounce it to audio, copy and paste to your other favourite music app, or transfer audio via Wi-Fi. For iPad users, it also has CoreMIDI USB support and iTunes file sharing. Seems neat...

Organ+ - Yonac

iPads at the Apple Store

Clip to Evernote


  1. Anonymous2:49 am

    Yonac's megasymth was for me the most un- logical I have worked with
    hope this is better

  2. Just got it. Dont like it. Sounds like a synth.

  3. Anonymous10:24 am

    anyone ever tried Pocketorgan or Churchorgan or
    an other organ for iphone?

  4. Pocket Organ (C3B3) is great IMHO. Even better when it went Ipad resolution too. The key click could use a little more punch, but it sounds excellent.

    If it had CoreMIDI (with user mapping) and MIDI file recording and playback it would be perfect. But even without these it is so worth the money!

  5. Anonymous10:39 pm

    downloading..... :)


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