iPhone App Directory

LoopJ final screenshot

So this is what LoopJ will look like. I guess we won't have to wait too long for it to hit the app store.

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  1. Millions of colors :) thats Amidio, btw. labels look like a captcha, impossible to read.

  2. Icepulse3:52 pm

    It reminds me of iZotope's "iDrum" layout.... which was REALLY nice and intuitive.

  3. My god...Amidio stuff just looks awful, IMO.

  4. Yeah, I must agree with the negative opinions on its appearance. Looks to me like the designer was determined to use as many of the hues on the colour wheel as possible and what's with that blurry, over-aliased font choice?!

    Design is highly subjective but personally I'm not feeling this at all. I hope it has the quality of sound and ease of functionality to compensate.

  5. Anonymous10:04 am

    So now we can expect to see updates and bugfixes for the other apps like amidio anounced here?

    ""As for our other apps, this year at some point we will stop developing new apps and will completely focus on improving existing ones.

    They are absolutely not abandoned.""

  6. Anonymous6:06 pm

    I didn't really like idrum (too limited), so I dunno if this is really for me.

  7. Icepulse2:54 pm

    I don't know... if iDrum had incorporated a "session record" feature, it would have been the premiere beat machine in my estimation. The concept of "islands" worked REALLY well for stringing together arrangements.

    Its potential was never fully realized.


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