iPhone App Directory

iSequence HD Massive Price Drop

The price of the iPad version of iSequence has come down from $14.99 to just $4.99 for this weekend, and with all the good stuff coming in version 3.0 now is a good time to get this app very cheap.

iSequence for iPad - BeepStreet

iPads at the Apple Store

Clip to Evernote


  1. Anonymous8:37 pm

    Haha! Thanks for the heads up! I've been wanting that app for the iPad for a long time. Hoping I'd catch it on sale sometime.

    BTW, I've put your page on my main Google page so I can check it several times a day.

  2. formal3:00 am

    I had been wanting this app since I got my ipad. I didn't know if the $15 was worth it, but I'll snag it up for $5!

  3. Anonymous9:13 pm

    Anyone have this app? I was wondering what the highest BPM's (looks like 240 BPMS) and the highest number of notes per phrase (looks like 32 I think), also how many unique phrases can be made per song? I guess I am really wondering if there is any reason to get this if you already have beatmaker 2?

  4. 278 bpms
    32 steps x 8 tracks

    999 patterns (I think)

    The samples in iSequence are superior to BM2's, imo.


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