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How to Make a Noise: iPad Synthesizers Edition

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  1. "Hello".

    "My name is Delia Smith, and today I'm going to tell you how to boil a kettle".........!

  2. Anonymous12:00 am

    Hey, isn't this being unfair. I was under the impression that the book has a really good reputation. The author also provides a free version via his site. I've never checked it out thoroughly, but I have to admit to being tempted by this.

  3. Well, it is a blog, so everybody can contribute their specific value ;-)

    Anyway, I had a look into the book, and it is quite useful. Keep in mind, that for many iPad synth users, the iPad app is their first synth. A book which focusses on that subject was really needed. Sure, if your are familiar with synth and have a good experience, you do not need this book and you do not need a manual either.

    I am thankful that now synth literature covers the iPad in these kind of books. It is the first at least I know about. Don't like it? Write the second ;-)

    Cheers to the author!


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