iPhone App Directory

DrumtrackHD updated

Fixes and more:
  • corrected iOS 3.2.x compatibility
  • fixed double/triple tap selection gesture
  • added full row selection
  • corrected the 909 HD kit
  • default fx sends to 0
DrumtrackHD - Simple Is Beautiful

Clip to Evernote


  1. God. Damn. I want an iPad.

  2. I know the developers focused on the iPad for some time now, glad they got such a great result, makes me want an iPad too. I'm using Drumtrack8 a lot and wish they put some of these features to the iPhone/iPod version, just pads to build patterns in a more natural way additionally to the great existing interface would be awesome.

  3. Another feature I'd like in the smaller iDevice app is multi-sample tracks....


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