iPhone App Directory

Cue Play DJ 1.6 is due today

Looking forward to seeing what the new version has got.

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  1. Anonymous8:39 am

    Just upgraded to 1.6, from the update description there's a lot of stuff for the iPad user...although the interface is still geared towards iPhone. The 'scratch' capability functions when you're on the sideways on view (I think this is where you'd do all the loop stuff). I hate to say this, but so far, the scratch sound is a little disappointing...not up to the sound of DJay or TapDJ...maybe in the future. The Kill/punch/slam buttons are useful. I'll post a full review on my blog when I've got to grips where everything is!

  2. Yeah, would be good to hear the scratching alongside the others you've posted about DJ Hombre.

  3. Oh, and a question - can it stream the master mix to another iOS device (like Red Bull BPM or whatever its non-branded version is called), or just to a PC/Mac? To be honest if it is only to a PC or Mac I'd be better off firing up my PC and using Virtual DJ with the iOS controller.

  4. Scratching sounds a lot like what u get on a mouse with virtual dj. Tbh it should have proper iTunes access by now. Djay and tapdj are my weapons of choice for different reasons.

  5. Anonymous4:01 pm

    Just posted a few thoughts here.

    @robman84 - Streaming (or 'Transmit' as they refer to it) seems to be only to a PC/Mac. The non-branded version of Red Bull BPM is DJ Player and is a bit cheaper...although not a universal app. The 'Transmit' feature also introduces a couple of seconds delay which means you have to mix through the headphones all the time. I haven't tried this but it sounds like a tricky one to get right.

    @Dj Agent M - the iPod Library access does feel a little more clunky than others at the moment...especially when you consider that CuePlayDJ is one of the last DJ apps to access it!


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