iPhone App Directory

What is this?

I have no idea what this app from Yamaha Corp is all about but it only seems to be available in the Japanese store.

Anyone know what it is or does?

iVOCALOID-VY1t - Yamaha Corporation

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  1. johnnyg02:54 pm

    Vocaloid is a voice synthesizer by Yamaha, maybe they did a IOS app.

    Maybe for some Hatsune Miku on the go? :)

  2. yeah, this may be text to speech application with female animation character's voices.

  3. soundog3:47 pm

    Turning Japanese, I really think so.

    Good writeup at www.vocaloid.com/en/

  4. Soundog I checked that link and it is a windows app. Is the iOS version the same thing?


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