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Sir Sampleton arrives

sir Sampleton - SOFTOFT TECHECH

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  1. This looks like a simple, easy sampler for $2.99. I just want to point out that NanoStudio can do this and more, because Nanostudio rocks.

  2. I've just bought a Palm T3 on eBay for £15! Bhajis Loops still rocks! ;) :D

  3. soundog5:32 pm

    At $15, Nanostudio BETTER do this and more. Still waiting for a decent app that will do similar to Nano, but record vocal and acoustic guitar tracks too.

    Sir Sampleton looks like a fun, one-trick pony. Nothing wrong with that!

  4. It's amazing what people think they should be able to demand for 15 dollars. 'better'? Really? For the cost of a 12 pack of decent beer? Get a grip people.

  5. Anonymous7:40 am

    good name is all i can say

  6. I'm sure that in the new year we'll see something that adds recording to the kind of functionality in NanoStudio.


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