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Ricepad for iPhone

A new sampler app arrives in the store. Here's what it does:

Ricepad is a modular environment for portable live music. Get it now for a very special Xmas price! Or gift it to a friend! Check out the video on the website.

Play, Remix, Filter, Loop, Sample, Resample and Create Sound Sequences

With Ricepad you create music by arranging objects called modules in a single chain. You start from existing sounds, freely available from the constantly updating library, importable from your computer (Mac/PC/Linux/…) or pastable from the clipboard of compatible apps, or you can use the mic line(*). Then the combination of modules you compose, divided between audio sources and effects, will manipulate the sound in an unexpectedly great number or ways.

Oriented To Live Music Performances

Ricepad allows you to create music that is immediately listenable to the audience: less editing and much more playing with the quick and simple interface. For example, if you like beat boxing, you can live record yourself through the mic, record a sequence and play it back as a loop, ready to be post processed, everything in sync with the bpm, e.g. quantized at 1/16. Nearly every interaction can be quantized, even the preview of audio clips when you want to set up a drum kit.

Inspirations On The Go With Your iPhone & iPod Touch

Ricepad has an extensive set of modules and offers many different techniques to create music, easily and quickly, leaving room to unleash your creativity. Every new idea can be saved as a session to be later re-opened for future use. This makes it suitable for casual and short plays, as well as for long and more structured live performances.

Check out the main features.

  • single chain of modules (audio sources or effects) connected in series
  • 16 bit, 44100Hz quality
  • built-in library of loops and sample kits
  • constantly updating sound packs, downloadable for free
  • optional temporal quantization of most interactions per module
  • recoverable sessions (save and open functions)
  • import/export functions for personal audio files and sessions
File Player
  • support for a lot of audio formats (wav, aif, mp3, m4a…) with different sample rates
  • loop with programmable parameters
  • set/get cue points for seeking in real time
  • crossfader
Sampler & Resampler
  • loading single files or sample kits (groups of 4 files)
  • copy/paste audio clips, using the clipboard shared with BeatMaker-compatible apps
  • live resampling of the currently executing audio
  • live sampling from the mic line with the microphonic variation of the module
  • programmable step sequencer, 1/16 resolution, up to 4 bars
  • live playing/recording of a sequence
  • clip specific parameters: volume, pan, loop mode (none, hold or toggle), reverse, choke group
  • compressor, decimator, dub delay, LP filter, phaser, reverb, ring modulator and wave shaper
  • all with the same XY pad controller interface
  • microphone module (takes the mic line) with crossfader
  • tempo control 60-200 bpm (not dynamically applicable with loops) + metronome
  • built-in tutorials
  • built-in manual
  • iPad compatibility in 2x mode
  • ...and a lot of fun!
* iPod Touch users must have an external microphone for this function

Upcoming Features
Ricepad is in continuous development and a lot of ideas will be gradually implemented. For the next update we’re working on:
  • time stretching of File Player module
  • retina-display-friendly graphics
Ricepad is priced at $1.99.

Ricepad - Alessandro De Nardi

Clip to Evernote


  1. soundog4:54 pm

    This looks promising, and they (gladly) have a video of the app on their website. Anyone tried this out? I spent all my money shopping, so am a tightwad for the rest of the year!

  2. Am just trying it out-on specks looks great, but to use is a nightmare of incoherent gestures. One man's logic is another's hell. I'll come back to it with a little more patience.

  3. soundog7:25 pm

    "One man's logic is another's hell."

    Well said. Let us know if things improve....

  4. johnnyg08:24 pm


    "One man's logic is another's hell."

    This reminds me of "Hell is other people's music"


  5. Anonymous9:23 pm

    Started playing with it. Absolutely sick, really creative, really interesting workflow.

    It makes me want to put this in autechre's hands to see what sort of madness would come out of the infinite resampling flexibility (but I'll have to settle for myself).

    I've always thought that creative resampling workflows were underexploited in these limited-computing devices, and this looks really promising.

    Downside so far - I think there's some bug in the tutorials - what they describe and what you see doesn't quite match up.

    But I can already see that this will be pretty powerful/flexible.

  6. Anonymous11:32 pm

    How are wavs imported form the computer? It's not the really slow annoying ip/browser way is it? is it itunes file sharing compatible?

  7. @ Anon, Why put it in Autechre's hands? They've made nothing but dross for the best part of the last 10 years. Put it in your own hands and make something new! ;)

  8. I'v got the mechanics of this thing allmost under control, and i must say the mangling possibilities are ENDLESS because of the basic sliding window concept. The usage is fidgety and needs some cleaning up. And yea file sharing is ip browser (drag).

  9. Anonymous1:05 am

    @ Brian thanks for lettng me know about the IP browser, i won't be getting it now, at least untill itunes file sharing is implemented.
    Is there any wave editing? and what exactly is the cue points for? can you set loop points so a loop will play only between said loop points?

    Thanks again

  10. Anonymous2:47 am

    I've been playing with this thing for a few hours and I have to say this is amazing.

    In terms of a limitless sound world, it's on par with nanostudio, but along a totally different direction.

    If nanostudio is the reason of the ios, this is more like the audiomulch the ios. It's a creative performance instrument, but you can use it to sculpt entire pieces if you learn it. In some ways it's better than audiomulch because of the resampling capabilities.

    To give you some idea of the work flow. load up a sampler with 4 trigger pads. Load up a drum kit to each trigger. Play and record a sequence (with quantize on or working off the grid). Put a decimator after that, then a dub delay.

    Feed the output of that into another sampler. Record the pattern into one of the trigger pads of the next sampler, while scraping the delay effect. Copy that new sample onto the next trigger pad and reverse it. Put both pads in a choke group. Now stop the first sampler. Now perform something with the resampled sounds.

    Now add a loop with the fileplayer and cut/crossfade between the resampled pattern and the loop, add a compressor, etc.,

    You guys are missing out!

  11. Anonymous2:48 am

    there's even a hidden mini-stepsequencer built in to the sampler. wonderful...

  12. Anonymous3:47 am

    But can you edit the loops in any way? i.e set loop points, etc/

  13. Brad Spitt7:49 am

    Will this become a universal app? I love nanostudio but not the x2 so much. Maybe one of you guys could ask the dev in the forum and let us know.

  14. Is 'Anonymous' the app developer by any chance? lol! ;)

  15. Anonymous5:00 pm

    @Tom no, I'm not the developer. Actually I have some requests for the app - longer / variable-length patterns song mode or pattern chaining would be nice.

    Re: autechre - maybe or maybe not, but what have you put out in the last 10 years? "lol! ;)"

  16. @Anon..

    It's 'quality' not quantity. And since "Chiastic Slide", Autechre have released nothing but cold, unlistenable dross. :)

    What have I put out? More than you mate! ;) LOL!

  17. Almost forgot to say- what an app! Could do with having some of the rotary knobs improved though :(

  18. Great concept but the UI needs major work, in my opinion.

    I really dig the sounds and manipulation but some of the interactions are kinda strange.

    For instance, why have a simple toggle button where you have to touch the button (like the "hold" button) and drag outside of the button to "lock" it? Isn't that just a simple toggle button? Shouldn't it be tap it once and it's on, tap again and it's off? Why the extra gesture?

    and dragging the center "clock" button at the bottom to a button seems awkward. Seems like there's an awful lot of extra needless tapping and dragging going on here. Maybe just have a "menu" button near the top to pull up that menu of buttons?

    I like the horizontal scroll (the "scrollable chain") idea, but why not have it a swipe gesture instead of the arrow buttons?

    I dunno, maybe it's just me, but it seems that this thing would be really sweet with some more natural gestural interaction design...

    I do love the app though.


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