iPhone App Directory

Big update for the SoundCloud App

SoundCloud is a great service for sharing music whether it's directly from an app or from the web.

Now you can record with the SoundCloud iPhone app and if that wasn't enough it is also FREE!

SoundCloud - SoundCloud Ltd.

Clip to Evernote


  1. I think the record thing is kinda stupid. They should have focused on a copy/paste/upload feature and/or a better search function. But at least it has the price it deserves now...

  2. The record thing is cool enough but the iphone needs a comon paste pad for all the apps and Soundcloud could easly fill the bill. It is presetly madening to get tracks from one app to the other although audio paste makes any app two stars better.

  3. I do like the idea of a common paste hub / pad, but I'm not sure that the SoundCloud app is the right place for it though.


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