iPhone App Directory

BeatSequencer reappears ...

I had loads of trouble with this when it first came out (and when it was far more expensive too), so if you do try it then be careful.

This 'new' version which looks remarkably like the old (and almost completely useless) version of BeatSequencer.

I'm interested to note this statement in the app's description VERY STABLE SEQUENCER ENGINE. That must be new as the previous sequencer could not be described that way.

Anyway, I won't be trying this app again and certainly won't pay for it a 2nd time as the developer never came back to answer my issues with the app.

If you do try it out then please let me know how you get on.

BeatSequencer BoomBap - Andre Todman

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  1. Meliok5:01 pm

    Wow....1st app I won't be tempted to buy reading Palm Sounds. That's a great First ! :op

    ( ...and my wallet says "Thank you", because it spends hard time since I read you ^^ )

  2. Anonymous4:32 am

    Saw this last night when I was at the pub with mates and got it as a dare. It works. And it's not THAT bad really. Nothing special tho, will be emailing apple and asking why I got charged twice for one app that works...

  3. Meliok, sorry about your wallet, I do hear that a lot form regular readers, which is one of the reasons why I try to do lots of promo code give aways.

    Anon, interesting comments. Let me know what Apple say if you can.


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