iPhone App Directory

AmpliTube 2 for iPad is live in the store

And with that fantastic looking 8 track too. Now that is tempting!

AmpliTube for iPad - IK Multimedia

iPads at the Apple Store

Clip to Evernote


  1. Still no audiocopy paste.

  2. Anonymous9:54 pm

    in fact. it is looking great, but it is an in app purchase, the multi track recorder! strange business. im not going for it.

  3. Yeah no copy/paste? LAME

    Ampkit does all of this and has copy/paste. They win.

  4. The in app purchase is a bit lame, plus the buy twice for iPhone/iPad. But that 8 track does look awesome. One question is the 4 fx another in app purchase as well, that would make this over £20

    I really wanted this but think the iPhone one make more sense......perhaps amp kit it is!!

    But then that 8track.....

    Decisions decisions

  5. The no audio copy/paste with all the in app extras tells me these guys have become big and greedy (Plus the lame demo video tells me they've no clue what's going on in the real music world. Not at my end anyway).


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