iPhone App Directory

TouchOSC Promo Code Giveaway

Great news. I have 10 promo codes to give for the great TouchOSC. For a chance to win a code all you need to do is answer this question.

In the latest update of TouchOSC, support for which two desktop applications was added?

Email your answer to palmsounds.comp@me.com by tomorrow 2nd November at 8:30pm GMT. Please remember that promo codes can only be redeemed in the US iTunes app store and you will need a US iTunes account to do this.

TouchOSC - hexler

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1 comment:

  1. I got a code. Love the app. I'm enamored with the idea of making interfaces. Got Touch OSC working w/Ableton Live on my PC already (took 30 min's after getting app).

    5 stars!

    My crazy tunes are

    (Nothing made w/Touch OSC yet.)


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