iPhone App Directory

SynthStation app still on sale

If you didn't see this yesterday it is worth mentioning again that Akai have put their Synthstation app on sale with the price at just $1.99 for a limited time.

SynthStation - Akai Professional

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  1. Anonymous12:45 pm

    Good timing as I had just placed my order for the Synthstation keyboard, so I bought the app right away. It works well even on my lowly iPhone 3G. This is not Nanostudio, but not bad either. Definitely worth the discount price.

  2. Synthstation is going to be compatible in a couple of weeks with nano studio.

  3. Yeah, the discount is really good.

  4. Anonymous3:20 pm

    The synth programning is good but actually the rest is a bit rubbish, especially compared to NS

  5. I think it's a shame the the SynthStation app isn't better, especially that it doesn't have recording in the hardware.


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