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NanoStudio to include Akai SynthStation25 support

Now that will be amazing. I think that NanoStudio will make the SynthStation25 hardware really come to life.

Thank you Blipinteractive!

Also, thank you Moonbuz for the picture.

NanoStudio - Blip Interactive Ltd

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  1. yea nanostudio with the keyboard yessss, do we need anything else? ;)

  2. I might need something else (I'm greedy). Seriously, I'm still waiting to see what CORE midi in the next OS gives us, and I'm still considering the Midi Mobilizer solution. I have 10+ midi controllers lying around my house so these options might suit me better.
    Still it's awesome that Akai's sdk is getting support, and I definitely see the allure of an all in one device.
    Ahhh who am I kidding, I bought an ipad and my touch just collects dust now, I'll probably by SS25.

  3. With appstore it feels like Christmas almost every day :)
    Great news!

  4. Does the Akai SynthStation work with the iphone4?

  5. This is great news indeed! I would ideally like to see Xewton Music Studio work with the Synthstation 25 hardware as well since it's the one music making app I'm most familiar with and enjoy using.


  6. I'd also love to see iSyn, Pocket Organ, Jasuto and NLog Synth also be able to interface with the Synthstation hardware. I'm certain there are other synths that could benefit from a hardware controlloer.

    The combination of the two would really turn my lowly iPod 2G into a really cool synth powerhouse!


  7. Revere48:06 pm

    I've got the same question as Sigmund - my "Google-Fu" is pretty weak and I still haven't seen anything definitive as to whether or not the SynthStation 25 works with iPhone4.

    I'm aware that CoreMIDI is coming, but would like to keep the nicely integrated solution if possible - there are other MIDI keyboard options at this pricepoint...

  8. Anonymous3:19 pm

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  9. I still haven't heard anything definitive about iPhone 4 and SS25 either.


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