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iDJ on MIDI in iOS 4.2

Good post over at the iDJ blog on MIDI in iOS4.2

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  1. Anonymous10:06 pm

    do you think us iphone users would ever be able to use the camera connection kit or get our own camera connection kit on iphone?

  2. Personally I don't see it. I think Apple wants to concentrate on the iPad. But then again, never say never!

  3. Anonymous7:10 am

    This blog is worthless. This guy doesn't even know the difference between Novation X-Station (as on video) and Novation Remote 61.

    "There are already reports of it working with a Novation Remote 61 (see below) and other hardware is being looked at as I write."

    Novation Remote 61 has 61 kets to begin with ;)
    CDM is the reputable website iDJ is just ignorant nobody...

  4. Anonymous6:18 pm

    BTW; Novation 37 SL works and so does Behriger BCF 2000 :)


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