iPhone App Directory

Reactable Mobile Arrives

This looks really good! Can't wait to try it out, and it is a universal app too! Priced at $9.99

iPads at the Apple Store

Clip to Evernote


  1. That looks cool. love it when they do the menus like that.

  2. BellectroniQ10:07 pm

    Great app, looking forward to sticking my own sounds in it!

  3. Anonymous1:26 am

    A thoroughly good time. Makes me wish I had an iPad. Actually, makes me wish I had the full table but at less than 1000th the cost of table, this is completely amazing.

  4. Anonymous1:57 am

    Just started playing with this. Totally amazing. Keep finding new things to tweak. Was prepared to be disappointed, but really pleasantly surprised by how rich the feature set is...

  5. Wow. Absolutely amazing.

    This seems like a real game changer.

  6. *Jasuto trembles in fear*

  7. Anonymous5:36 am

    great! Loads of fun!

  8. Anonymous5:36 am

    great! Loads of fun!

  9. Anonymous5:45 am

    great! Loads of fun!

  10. Is it great? Is it loads of fun?

    Is it great? Is it loads of fun?

    Is it great? Is it loads of fun?

  11. Cerator9:15 am

    Anyone tried Reactable Mobile on an iPhone 3G already? How about the performance?

  12. Anonymous9:37 am

    I'm having a lot of fun with this - but it's not going to replace Jasuto. It's getting a place on my home page next to it though....

  13. ^^^ I Totally Agree that Jasuto is Better. This is cool but Jasuto Sounds Better IMO.

  14. Does it have audiocopy / paste functionality?

  15. Anonymous6:26 pm

    Apparently it doesn't work so well on iPhone EDGE, 3G, iPT 1G, 2G. And there's a bug with the iPT 4 where it doesn't display properly -- they are fixing that.

    It works great on the iPad though.

    It brings up some questions, again, about how should developers support the "older" devices. (Many of these "older" devices have been in the current product line as recently as 1 month (iPT2) to 5 months ago (iPhone3G).) Apple doesn't provide any mechanism to filter apps for sale based on model compatibility. And there's still no mechanism in the AppStore for easy refunds.

    Is the iOS suffering from poor management of its fragmentation?

  16. Like it so far, but agree with the comments that it isn't going to replace Jasuto

  17. Icepulse1:39 pm

    Reactable should release small, sugarcube-like pieces that work w/ the iPad.

    This company has similar functionality in the works...


  18. It may not sound as good as Jasuto, but its so much easier/more fun to use than Jasuto. Jasuto usually just leaves me angry and partially deaf, while I played with this thing for hours last night on the plane and enjoyed it the whole time.

  19. Icepulse, I think I've seen that volumique thing, but I don't really get it as yet.

    Nate, I do agree that Jasuto is much harder to work with but that's because you can do a lot more with it than reactable mobile. Both are good and both have their own audience in my opinion.

    I think that Jasuto will only get more complex over time not less.


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