iPhone App Directory

Waiting for BS-16

David Battino alerted me to this app which looks amazing, but doesn't appear to be in the app store as yet, either in the UK or in the US.

The description of the app says:

bs-16i is a 16 multi-timbral playback sampler. It supports SoundFont, and can be used for keyboard instrument, MIDI sound module, and MIDI player. The sampler engine is ported from bs-1 / bs-16, which is developed as professional plug-in for Logic (Audio Units) and Cubase (VST instrument).
Using SoundFont libraries, you can play with your great number of Instruments.

It supports all standard MIDI messages, so it also can be used as a GM (General MIDI) sound module.
As a keyboard instrument, you can play with scalable keyboard, pitch bend wheel, and many control change controllers. Internal MIDI player supports SMF (Standard MIDI File) format.
SoundFont and SMF files can be sent using internal WiFi server. Also if your device is installed iOS 3.2 or later, you can use file sharing functions of iTunes.

Moreover, this application supports LINE6 MIDI Mobilizer.
You can communicate with other external MIDI hardware like as synthesizer, sequencer.
(Internal player is not connected to MIDI output. According to the specification of MIDI Mobilizer, timing error may occur when a lot of messages are sent to the application. It can be fixed by using "Buffering" option in application's setting menu.)

I'm hoping it'll be in the stores soon, and when I find out I'll let you know.


  1. Not bad. Would be nice if they combo'd it up with a multi-track sequencer as well (w/ recording, audiocopy, etc)

    It is a multi-sampler tho. Not too many of those in the App Store.

  2. WANT! Keep us posted.

  3. Apparently there was a bug and it has been resubmitted. More news as I get it


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