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Intua are watching!

If you thought that Intua weren't taking notice, then read on. This is a comment they've added to my post of yesterday which has sparked some healthy debate:


We understand the wait for BeatMaker 2 can be frustrating, we're sorry about it and we are making every possible effort to deliver it as the great product it is expected to be.

As for the complaints about our forums, although we haven't always been very active in the past, we're trying to take good care of it now. We delete posts that are insulting, out of subject or that are only part of flame wars, but we do not want to censor anything (as an example there are many posts that praise NanoStudio on our forums and we did not remove them). We've also been following all the discussions and many of them helped us shape BeatMaker 2.

We're doing our best to improve all these aspects, and we're sorry again for the BM2 wait.

Thank you,
Intua Team


  1. sleep2:13 pm

    They can apologize all they want, they're simply not active on their forum except when they feel the need to do damage control.

    As for flamewars and post deletions, the reason the BM2 thread gets so heated on their forum is because there are a bunch of people who have jumped ship to NanoStudio and there are a handful of BM fanboys on there who go livid at any mention of NS, and things get ugly.

    Wake me up when BM2 is up for sale on the app store. Until then, I don't care what Intua claims.

  2. johnnyg04:04 pm

    For me its pretty simple, I will need to demo BeatMaker2 before I consider buying it, just like I did with the windows version of NanoStudio. I would also be satisfied with a lite version only if its fully featured like the full version but with a time limit or no ability to save.

    No demo, no purchase. I want to make sure it has the feature I want before giving Intua my money again.

  3. NanoStudio is the best right now. Thank you for this app.

  4. qishmish5:45 pm

    nano studio is great .. but beatmaker really more convenient in some ways

    in nanostudio.. sequencer is a little bit fucked up - u should zoom right parts etc
    also no distortion - beatmaker had crusher at least

    for pads.. best pads are in thumbjam imho

  5. NS has distortion and BM's sequencer is barely one. I do like the drums better though, which is I manually saved a couple of the artists' kits and made them one shots in NS. No need for BM anymore.

  6. qishmish6:20 pm

    there is dist for synth, but for drums - where?..

  7. None for drums. But drum distortion isn't exactly an important enough/much requested feature.

  8. Anonymous5:48 am

    Day late and 2 years short on the forum activity: intua.

    Thanks, but no thanks.


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