A few sites have picked up on this today and it set me thinking about a 'touch' based iMac. Mashable's gets very excited in their post on the subject by the possibility of having an iMac which can switch from OSX to iOS depending on an accelerometer based trigger.
I can understand the touch based tablets, iPads etc. But somehow a desktop computer that swivels into a tablet seems like it could be a hindrance in some cases. I can't see a 27" iMac swiveling easily and working well like that.
Perhaps on smaller screen hardware it would work well, but as yet I'm not entirely convinced. Apple do patent a lot of stuff, and not all of it sees the light of day. I seem to remember them patenting a desktop computer where you could slide in a tablet to sync it. I don't think that's ever arrived, but perhaps in the not too distant future a real implementation of multi-touch will work on the desktop.
What do you think?
I'd really love to have iOS as an own Layer, like the Dashboard, where iOS Apps start in Fixed Size Windows. With Multitouch.