iPhone App Directory

RecTools02 update

You might be wondering why I'm posting about a very small update to Rectools02. Good question.

My answer is that it makes me ever so slightly hopeful that I might just see a real update to Rectools08pro as Yudo Inc. had originally promised.

If you can't remember what was promised, I'll remind you. Rectools08pro Multi Track Recorder was going to get a drum machine, synths, and effects, which would have made the app a great all round music studio.

Perhaps there's still hope for it yet.


  1. Anonymous7:50 pm

    I wish for this promised update too! I have enjoyed using this app. I think that it is a great multitrack app! here's to hoping.

  2. Agreed. I think their last big update was a good step. I keep hoping for something amazing.

    one day ...

  3. Anonymous10:40 pm

    I always thought this was a sweet app, I loved the way it looked and worked, however for me it might be 'too little too late'

  4. Anonymous2:11 pm

    These guys are LAZY. I asked them to update iPad Audio Support multiple times. They failed. They could of been greater than Multitrack and the first to do it right.

    Love the features but the Price and support stinks. Multitrack FTW!


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