iPhone App Directory

NanoStudio, a sneak peek!

You may have guessed that I've been playing with NanoStudio. I've had it running on my iPhone 3G and my iPad so far, and the results are great so far.

There are so many good things to say about this app that I almost don't know where to start, and I don't want to spoil things for when it is released, so I'll just mention a few things that have stood out for me.

The synths in NanoStudio are great, there's no other way to describe them. Controls are simple and easy to get to grips with. Factory sounds are good, and it's very easy to make new ones and edit your sound. I haven't used the sample waveforms as yet, but I might get to that later this week.

The sequencer is a little different but it didn't take me long to get my head around it at all. What I really liked is that you can use it for step sequencing or play live and record it too. Both very easy to do.

I love the drums in this app. You'll have to wait until it comes out for why.

The last thing I wanted to say about NanoStudio is that it runs well on my 3G. I was expecting it to stutter, but just running the demo tracks it didn't take over 45% of the CPU.

This is an app worth waiting for. I'm glad I didn't have to though!


  1. You tease...sounds great

  2. Entracte9:17 pm

    Can't wait for this one !
    Lucky you are !

  3. NS just looks absolutely amazing, and it'll be well worth the wait, I'm sure. The developer is very receptive to customer input, and NS has a bright future.

  4. you lucky fella!
    i keep hoping that this app had more features (especially eq and more pad sample options) but just to have nice synths that you can SEQUENCE (take note other synth developers) with effects and all will be ace. The developer is very responsive and i agree, it does have a very bright future indeed....


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