iPhone App Directory

NanoStudio Arrived!

Great news, NanoStudio has arrived on the app store! The app has 25% off at the moment, so get it quick!

As a reminder here are the specs for the app:

Compatible Devices
  • iPhone 3G, 3GS, 4
  • iPod Touch 2G, 3G (mic recording possible with external accessory)
  • iPod Touch 1G (mic recording not available)
  • iPad (compatibility mode)
  • Instruments - 4x Eden synths, TRG-16 trigger pads, 6 track sequencer, 7 input mixer with two sends
  • Insert Effects - 2 per synth (waveshaper, chorus/flanger/delay)
  • Send Effects - 2 (reverb, chorus/flanger/delay)
  • Total polyphony - 48 stereo voices
  • Buffer latency - 10ms
  • Stereo 44.1kHz floating-point signal path (only the final output is reduced to 16 bit)
  • Individually optimized for new and old hardware (chooses between VFP or NEON technology)
Eden synth (x4)
  • Maximum polyphony - 8 voices per synth
  • 2 anti-aliased oscillators per voice, each with 36 basic waveforms including noise
  • Oscillators can be mixed or sync/ring modulated
  • Resonant filter per voice - low pass, band pass or high pass with 12dB or 24dB slope
  • Samples can be used in place of basic waveforms
  • 4 LFO's, optional sync to note start/sequencer tempo
  • 3 ADSR Envelope generators (amp, filter and aux)
  • 2 X/Y controllers, 1 configurable control knob, pitch bend wheel and accelerometer input
  • Virtual patchbay for connecting controllers, LFO's and envelopes and other synth parameters
  • 2 insert effects per synth (waveshaper, chorus/flanger/delay)
  • 128 Global presets (shared between all projects) and 64 Project specific presets
TRG-16 Trigger Pads and Sampling
  • Number of trigger pads - 16
  • Maximum polyphony - 16 voices
  • Adjust volume, pan, pitch, output bus, attack, release and loop type per sample
  • Exclusive groups for use with high hats etc.
  • Three output busses, each with its own filter and send effects
  • Load/save individual samples or whole kits
  • Upload wavs or aiffs to your device using NanoSync for Mac or Windows
  • Record your own samples using the internal mic (iPhone only) or external mic (iPod Touch 2G, 3G)
  • Resample NanoStudio's main mix output
  • Crop and normalize samples on the device using NanoStudio's built in sample editor with 4 levels of undo/redo
  • Realtime record with undo
  • Pattern editor and song arranger
  • 6 tracks (4 Eden synths and 2 tracks dedicated to the TRG-16)
  • Record unique parts or turn them into patterns for repetitive loops (100 patterns supported)
  • Draw note and controller events such as XY pad movements, pitch bend, velocity and accelerometer
  • Editing functions include delete, merge, copy, move, note length, transpose, clean and quantize
  • Controller editing and automation
  • Time signatures 2/4 - 7/4
  • 4 levels of undo/redo on every editing operation
  • All editing operations are possible while the sequence is playing
  • Mixer with 7 stereo inputs (4 Eden synths, 3 TRG-16 output busses), 1 stereo output and 2 stereo sends
  • 2 Simultaneous global effects sends per input (reverb, chorus/flanger/delay)
  • Stereo VU displays for all inputs and outputs


  1. Anonymous2:44 am

    if the iPad/iPhone can't handle 16 Tracks of audio, something is seriously wrong.

    I got hardware from the 80's that would woop the skin off most of these apps.

    Its 2011. Stop playing games Apple/Devs/Steve.

  2. Robert2:56 am

    Dear Anonymous,

    Pray tell, what DIGITAL hardware from the 80's are you referring to? And it fit in your pocket and cost $200, as well?

    Thanks in advance for enlightening the rest of us game playing dummies!

  3. Rod Donovan3:38 am

    Limiting the track count was an intentional choice of the developer, not a hardware limitation. He wanted to preserve the workflow no matter the screen size. It really shows - this app has raised the bar. It's everything I hoped for!

  4. Tibor4:06 am


  5. Anonymous4:43 am

    PS: wrong again, it's only 2010 silly. Hail to Blip Interactive :)

  6. Something in the feature list made me dream that it would be possible to do realtime recording of audio (as a track). That is a dream, yes? If so, why is it a dream?

  7. Anonymous7:33 am

    ...and IT IS BRILLIANT!

  8. At least ! Something quite similar to Palm's Bhajis Loops on Apple platform ! I'm still using it now and I'm very happy. But now I can consider buying a Ipod...
    But... Bhajis loops was open for plugin effects and source code modifications even with much more built-in effects.
    Where's the compressor and de bit-rate crusher ?

  9. Instant-buy!
    I'm amazed at the sound on this app, the synths seem fantastic!
    The whole app seems to be very easy to navigate and a joy to use (UNLIKE REBIRTH!). This is what i've been waiting for!
    I'm going to try and sample some drumms of my c64/MSSIAH, and try to get the Eden synth to make some chiptune sounds!

  10. Markus9:46 am

    This program is mind blowing! The synths sound awesome and are plenty deep. Swing features are great!. Audio copy/paste should be coming in next update?

  11. the6thduke11:08 am

    £8.99 at the moment. Downloading now.

  12. the6thduke12:36 pm

    This is amazing. I'm not going to even write in uppercase letter- there is no need to. I'm utterly blown away by this incredible bit of programming. I can't stop playing- apart from to write these words. The developers deserve the highest accolade ever (a designer island off the coast of Dubai?- you guys deserve it!). Can I award 6 stars in the appstore?! Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant! Worth every penny! (Oh yes Bhajis loops really is dead- long live Nanostudio!), and NS works wonderfully even on my 3G! Right back to dream mode.........8)

  13. the6thduke12:42 pm

    FARK- Random step start lfo? what the fu**?? wow! I can't stop giggling/ laughing (with joy!)! (try A07 Filters preset- f**king mental!! LOL!)

  14. OK, this all sounds too good to be true but I'm willing to shell £8.99 just to find out. Hiho, hiho, off to the App store we go...

  15. BillyBob5:19 pm

    Hmmmmm ... is the sudden rush of 5-star apps on the app store for real> Doesn't seem typical, so I am a bit suspicious.

    Also, yeah it sounds good for synth, trance, and lounge music, but what about using it as serious mulitrack audio recorder? Is it good for that, or should I look at alternatives.

  16. I can't quite believe the reviews either. But most of my musical mates don't have iPhones, so it's not them :) There have been some very loyal people waiting for the release and they've been genuine with their reviews (I recognise many names from the NanoStudio forum).

    NanoStudio's currently focused around electronic music and synths. I'd love to investige audio tracks in future, but depending on your application there may be other apps out there better suited to your purposes.


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