iPhone App Directory


Another generative music app for the iPhone. ilooch is an app designed to generate evolving ambient sounds. The music is not "sampled"; it is instead created by generative and algorithmic rule-sets coupled with various synthesis techniques. They'll go on forever and ever! (well, at least for a few hours...) Because the music is being constructed on-the-fly, each time it plays it will be slightly different. Such is life.


  1. Just downloaded tbis app and all I can say is "Wow!" I've tried Bloom, Air, Trope, and several other generative apps, but iLooch is by far the best, from the no-nonsense interface to the awesome sounds. This is the ambient app I have been waiting for. Excellent!

  2. Anonymous7:03 pm

    I found some audio samples and addition information about the application here:


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