iPhone App Directory

StretchyBand anyone?

An unusual looking app. I've read the description and I'm still not sure if I get what it is about really. I might have to try it out. There's a lite version too.

StretchyBand at the app store


  1. Thanks for considering StretchyBand!

    I updated the description on the website to try and give a better idea of what it does, the App Store description will update soon too.

    I hope you enjoy it, be sure to check out all the extra sound packs that are available too!

    ~Jared Gaul

  2. http://www.StretchyBand.com

    Check out the site for better descriptions, screenshots and a demo video!

  3. Anonymous7:22 pm

    Cool app! Has nice graphics and tons of creative content. Definitely a great new instrument app to mess around with.

  4. Anonymous6:46 pm

    Sweet app! Definitely worth $.99 Extra sound packs are cool too!


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