iPhone App Directory

Pandora finally shipping

I'd love to hear from anyone who has got one. I know that there was a lot of talk of porting a variety of music applications to Pandora, but I haven't followed up on where any of that got to.


  1. Still waiting for mine. Not expecting for two months!

    I'll let you know when it lands

  2. Did hell freeze over? Did pigs fly? ..... Pandora shipping!? I can't believe my eyes :)

  3. a couple of people here have them on preorder, one has actually arrived!

    its a nice bit of kit considering its origins. Theres a few build issues - the one I saw had shoulder buttons that felt vastly different on each side. The linux distro feels a bit sterile too, its not polished in that respect.
    But from the brief glimpse I saw, it has great potential. Never massmarked though, only ever a niche thing in the same fashion as the gp32/gp2x.
    The only thing that worries me from a porting POV is the ARM chip making it a bit harder than a straight x86 recompile.


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