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Ereader price drops

Mashable reports on the price drops of Amazon's Kindle and the Nook in response to the iPad. But will these be able to compete with the iPad without the lure of apps for consumers?

It is an interesting point in the market where we see Amazon's and Barnes and Nobles devices have significantly more in terms of book stock available on their devices and Apple lagging behind with iBooks yet having a major advantage with the app store.

I can't see myself going for a Kindle or Nook unless they suddenly develop really amazing music apps, but I'm interested in opinions as ever.

1 comment:

  1. Well, I have both the Ipad and since almost 15 months the Sony eReader, and you can not compare the two (or kindle, nook etc...) The ipad is good for quick magazine reading, pdf etc...but can not compete with the qualitity of a good eReader. Reading on the Ipad tires the eyes very quickly, whereas an eReader does not, not to mention the fact that the eReaders are readable no matter what light you are in, whereas it's impossible to read outside with the Ipad. If, like me, you read lots of books, buying an eReader is still the way to go!


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