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2nd Gen Mikey Availability

Mikey 2 availability and pricing here. Looks like it won't work with the iPad or iPhone 4 for the same reasons as other devices won't.


  1. Jose36BZ10:30 am

    Shame - I was hoping that the delay on this device (and possibly the Synthstation 25) was due to their finding some way around iPhone4/iPad compatabilty.

    However, I appreciate that this may not be possible if Apple have gone to a digital/USB audio-style system.

    Am I therefore correct in thinking that the only "future-proof" line-in/microphone options will be those using the headphone jack...?

  2. Anonymous12:55 pm

    seems when a product is coming 'this summer', it means the end of summer, america style. what also annoys me is that manufacturers think we all live in USA.


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