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Dell Mini 5 coming to T-Mobile USA?

Brighthand has this story on the Dell Mini 5 coming to T-Mobile. Every time I see the Mini 5 I wonder what I would use it for. My previous experience with Dell's handhelds is very good. I still have my Axim and it works great after years of use, but what would I run on the mini 5? Android lags behind the iPhone OS in terms of music apps, so for now I think I'm in the 'wait and see' camp.

1 comment:

  1. I'm interested in this because it's a step toward more choice of screen sizes and aspect ratios.

    Currently we have a choice of 3.5" in 2:3 (sometimes too small for reading and creative work) and 9.7" in 3:4 (not mobile enough) respectively.

    Dell is planning Android tablets in 5", 7" and 10". Archos has a 7" widescreen Android tablet coming soon at $200.

    Hopefully we'll start to see more interesting creative software including music apps coming to Android. The pieces are in place, and the platform is quite amenable to a more interoperability than the other dominant platform. Android is gaining developers as fast as Apple can alienate them. Plus there's a whole world of Flash/ActionScript apps and developers that will be able to target Android devices in the coming months.


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