iPhone App Directory

Droneo 1.2 video

Sounds like Droneo 1.2 is getting close a release with some really nice new stuff.

Droneo at the app store:


  1. soundog8:08 pm

    I love this little app. The user interface is beautiful (a hexagonal honeycomb theme), and you can create some mesmerizing hypnotic drones. Sometimes I set up a drone to jam with on acoustic guitar. Sometimes I create a quiet evolving drone, put on headphones, and astral project to another place.

    Can't wait to see what's in the update.

    Dream on.

  2. soundog too8:15 pm

    Too bad you can't hear the narration over the drones in this video!

  3. Sorry - I'll remix that a bit. I had to overdub because the room I was in was so noisy!

    But Droneo 1.2 is in the store now anyway!


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