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Christmas Presents for the Mobile Musician: Day 5

I'm quite keen to try out one of these for myself. I wonder if anyone will pop one in my Christmas stocking?

There's not too many iPhone mics available, and Blue isn't too expensive compared to the others.

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  1. Anonymous9:27 am

    trouble is it blocks the headphone socket; i recently got monster isonitalk for 20 euros on ebay; it works great plus can now output sounds from RJDJ into my mixer :)

  2. i had one of these for a few days, it was a decent mic for recording voice. i took it to a music fest and recorded a bunch of bands and the mic couldn't handle the loud levels without distorting (even when it wasn't clipping). i tried a lot to get it to work (all kinds of settings on fire). i ended up googling it and eventually i found a bunch of people complaining about the same thing.

    i ended up returning it because it was advertised as being able to record loud sources like concerts, and i need something to do that. just thought i would comment on here and let people know, cause it isn't many info/reviews for the mikey or iphone mics in general really.

  3. I like Mikey. I use it to record scratch vocals on the go--even while commuting!

    Here I've assembled some (unedited) vocal tracks that I made with harmonic dog's MultiTrack program into an impromptu a capella version of a christmas pop song I'm working on.

    My voice isn't great, but it will give you some sense of the quality of the recording.


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  6. I have recorded several shows - fuck buttons, pixies, king Kahn..loud shows, I used iprorecorder and there is some setting issues there with markers but the sound is really good, no clips so far.


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