iPhone App Directory

Touch DJ: 7 Songs in 7 minutes

It looks really impressive, but then, what else would you expect from Amidio?

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  1. Access to the itunes library?

    This really could be a killer app for the iphone, but having to have two sets of tracks on there - nope that kills it for me...sigh, so close.

  2. Anonymous7:57 pm

    Beat mixing? Yes. But how about key-mixing? A lot of ambient stuff needs key mixing not necessarily beat mixing. Another shame, unless you can get a separate audio out- but you can't, right?

  3. Anonymous10:16 pm

    a bit off topic but - how does LP player manage to access itunes library?

    also i am sure they could add a key algorithm but they are very hard to do! even the human brain can't do it well!

  4. I'll see what it has got when it comes to the app store. Also, Amdio are very good at integrating new features in response to users.

    As for accessing the iTunes library, I think that any developer can do that using the latest SDK, but the access is very limited in terms of what you can do with tracks, but I may be wrong!

  5. Holy crap, this looks all-encompassing. I'm not a DJ, but this might just sway me. Any indication on price?

  6. The initial price will be $19.99. The app will ship with more than 20 licensed world-class dance tracks, so you can view it like you buy the tracks and get the app for free ;)
    We cannot access iTunes library the way we need to. As for the key mixing, this is not provided even by desktop mixing apps.

  7. Anonymous10:04 am

    looks brilliant


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