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SoundCloud making integration easier?

I don't know if this is what I think it is, but according to this post at the SoundCloud blog their new C wrapper for the SoundCloud API will make integrating SoundCloud easier for desktop applications.

So does that mean mobile applications too? I'd love to see more apps on all platforms integrate with services like SoundCloud

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  1. Anonymous10:49 pm

    As for iPhone, they provide nice Obj-C library that was quite easy to integrate into my SoundGrid. So nothing will change here. But for other [mobile] platforms this is a good news.

  2. Thanks for clarifying that.

  3. SoundCloud is working on wrappers for lots of different languages/platforms to make it as easy as possible for anyone to integrate and make use of our API. eg. see our Cocoa/iPhone wrapper - http://blog.soundcloud.com/2009/02/19/iphone/

    Or our Ruby Gem - http://blog.soundcloud.com/2009/06/02/soundcloud-ruby-gem/


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