iPhone App Directory

iDrum DM app

I got an email from iZotope about the Depeche Mode version of iDrum that they've brought out. Initially I was very skeptical about this in the same way as I've been about all the other variations of iDrum that have surfaced. However, I read this:
Martin [Gore] used iDrum fairly regularly in his demos, in Logic, and quite a few of those original sounds will have made it through to the final versions. I also used iDrum on the iPhone for a couple of tracks, specifically "Perfect" which Daniel and I worked on in London during a break in the US sessions. All my gear was still in New York so I had my laptop and iPhone. It was quite handy to experiment with different grooves quickly on the iPhone, which we then sampled by plugging the headphone socket into various mic pres and amps. I found it very quick and creative. Most importantly you don't have to interrupt the workflow on the computer, because you're self contained, and mobile!

Which changed my opinion a bit, or at least made me pleased that an artist like Gore is using the iPhone for music.

iDrum DM version at the app store:
iDrum: Depeche Mode Sounds of the Universe

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1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:21 pm

    I still think that this app isn't too good for anything but making up ringtones.


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