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What does the Zune HD mean?

There's been loads of news about Microsoft's announcement of the Zune HD, and I have to admit that it does look really good, especially the screen. So, what does it mean for mobile music? I notice that it has games, but nothing I've read so far has mentioned anything about applications, and what it the OS it is running?

Anyone know more, or did I miss something?

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  1. The ZuneHD's OS is a variant of Windows CE...

  2. Bah - it's just Microsoft's weak take on the iPod touch, I certainly don't think we'll see third party apps in the first revision of the OS.

    I refuse to take interest until they release the Zune stuff outside of North America, anyway :P

  3. Would be nice if WM phones worked this slick. I'm getting sick of my WM6 phone at the moment - it is just so blooming sluggish.

  4. If it is Windows CE it can't be that great. Although I expect the apps will be easier for developers.

    I'll wait and see, but I don't have high hopes for this platform at all.

  5. Anonymous1:33 pm

    Any news on Zune HD apps? Will MS get something right?

  6. Anonymous4:16 pm

    I think that this will be lame


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