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Thomas Dolby and the VL-1

I got the latest Thomas Dolby 'best of' CD / DVD today. I noticed that on the video for 'She Blinded me with Science' there are three Casio VL-Tones that are brought in my boys into the operating theatre.

I'm glad to see that even back in the 80's Mt Dolby was into mobile music making. I apologise that the photos are so blurred, so I've added the video and you can see the VL-Tones at about 3 minutes 14 seconds.

Know any other videos with mobile music stuff in it?

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1 comment:

  1. well Kapitan Nemo didnt use casio but smoe bigger vintage syths and for sure could spend some time with Thomas Dolbly talking about chiks, love and fashion http://moonbuz.blogspot.com/2009/05/captain-nemo-kapitan-nemo.html


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