iPhone App Directory

SoundGrid for the iPhone

This is another tenori-on like app, but it looks and sounds quite interesting from this video.

SoundGrid at the app store:

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  1. Sami aka CptLockheed9:10 pm

    This is the first tenori-on wannabe that has true potential. It has 8 layers with different sounds and variable length patterns (8 per layer) and the future plans sound really promising. I was pleasantly surprised with the number of featured and the ease of use. Better than the "old king" Paklsound on every respect.

  2. Thanks for the feedback, that makes me want think I may well buy it.

  3. It is pretty cool as far as these things go on the iPhone. Still no CellDS, but hey. Actually I emailed Bret about making CellDS for the iPhone - fingers crossed!

    The adjustable pattern length is really cool - I missed that when first playing with it. The timing is nice and stable too, unlike some of the others.

    Did I also miss how to change the tempo? I can't find it anywhere.

  4. Anonymous4:48 pm

    This one is a good one. More synthesis control would be good


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