iPhone App Directory

New ways to promote your music

Ok, this post is not about making music but about promoting your music or band with and for an iPhone or iPod Touch. Today I've found two very different services for bands or musicians to promote themselves with an app for the iPhone / Touch.

The first is iLike who have just announced their automated system for delivering iPhone web apps. Now the iLike service is free and does lots more for you than just the iPhone web app.

The second is more bespoke, but you do get a native iPhone / Touch app at the end of it. However, you will pay for that, about £399 to set it up and $29 per month after that.

Mobile Roadie have already got some iPhone apps on the store, and they estimate that they can get apps into the store in about a week.

If it is all about your budget then the choice is simple, but if you are a little bit short of cash then iLike may well suite your needs.

If you must have a native app then you'll need the Mobile Roadie for sure.

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  1. Anonymous10:02 am

    Sounds like this could be really useful stuff...

    Why don't you use it for your own stuff?

  2. Anonymous1:56 pm

    The app building isn't free though


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