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Moondog Concert competition !

I've wanted to run a competition on the blog for ages, but until now I haven't had anything really good to put on offer. Now I have.

Palm Sounds would like to invite all of you to a very special event that will take place at The Barbican on Sat 30th May - The Viking of 6th Ave - The Music of Moondog, a glimpse into the world of iconic blind American composer Moondog (1916-1999), whose music has influenced a generation of artists, from Philip Glass and Steve Reich to Charlie Parker, and later devotees like Mouse On Mars, Anthony Hegarty, Damon Albarn and Elvis Costello, with an extraordinary range of guests from the worlds of classical, pop, electronic and avant-garde music - Gruff Rhys and Bunf (Super Furry Animals), Lightspeed Champion,Caribou, Clinic and Four Tet among them.

For more info please check the Barbican site.

I realise that the Barbican London isn't too convenient for lots of readers and that this will really be for those in or around the London area or those who are planning to be around London at the end of the month. Sorry about that.

So, thanks to the Barbican Palm Sounds is offering the opportunity to win one of two passes to the concert. Just email Palm Sounds (palm dot sounds at mac dot com) with your name.
The first two responses will win!

Good luck!

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  1. great post…. you have done great job….it very cool blog. linking is very useful thing you have really helped lots of people who visit this blog and provided them this usefull information. thanks a lot for this..gud luck..regards,

  2. Anonymous10:00 am

    Please do more competitions ....


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