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Any suggestions for podcasts?

I'm planning to return to making a podcast, something I haven't done for a long time now. If you've got any suggestions or topics you'd like included please let me know.

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  1. Id like to see a mixture of tracks, and software demos.. maybe some interviews!

  2. 1. News and reviews
    2. A highlight of one app or developer per show, with interview of developer or power user
    3. Some music, with interview of artist
    Maybe 2 and 3 should alternate.

    For reference, Sonic State has one of the most entertaining podcasts, but 4-6 people on a panel for an hour a week seems like a big undertaking.

    PS: Can you make the podcast on mobile gear?

  3. Thanks for all the good ideas, they've given me lots to think about.

    I'm certainly going to investigate the interviews idea, and I'm looking at what you can use to make a podcast of mobile gear.


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