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New Nic Collins book due very soon

I got this email from Nic Collins:
The new edition of Handmade Electronic Music – The Art of Hardware Hacking, is out! Lots of new circuits and illustrations, more examples of artists’ designs, and a DVD with 87 1-minute video clips by hackers from all over the globe, as well as a series of step-by-step video tutorials.

The book should be available shortly from CDEmusic (http://www.cdemusic.org/) and other fine stores everywhere.

Here are some upcoming events planned around the release.

On Saturday April 11 at 9PM I’ll be presenting my first Chicago concert in four years at Lampo (216 W. Chicago Ave., 2nd floor). I’m be splitting the bill with the fabulous hans koch from Cologne. We’ll be doing works for laptop and circuit orchestras. Trombone-propelled electronics, backwards electric guitars, candle-powered oscillators, smart-bomb video and a Blippo Box will also be featured. See http://www.lampo.org/ for more information. Then on Saturday, May 2, at 3PM, Quimby’s Bookstore (1854 W. North Avenue) is hosting a book release party. I’ll screen some video, demo a few projects, and the Chicago Symphacking Orchestra (CSO) will perform. See http://www.quimbys.com/ .

New York City
On Friday evening, April 17, from 6-7PM we’ll celebrate the book release at Bent 2009 at The Tank (354 West 45th Street.) Books will be available for purchase (I’ll sign them with my illegible scrawl), I’ll screen some of the video from the DVD, demonstrate a few projects, and maybe give a brief performance. Check the Bent website: http://www.bentfestival.org/#Event/Nic_Collins_Handmade_Electronic_Music_Book_Release_Party.

April 20 and 21 I’ll be presenting a 2-day hacking workshop at NK (Elsen Str. 52, 2. Hof.) The workshops will run from 11AM until 7PM, and we’ll have a concert, party, and book signing on Tuesday evening. For more information see http://www.ausland-berlin.de/hardware-hacking-nicolas-collins.

STEIM, the Vatican of hacking, is offering a 3-day workshop with me from April 24 to 26. The workshops run 10AM to 5PM. See http://www.steim.org/steim/workshops.php?id=133&b=1&r=1. Then on Tuesday evening, April 28, we’ll have a little concert and book party at STEIM.

Nic Collins

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1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:58 pm

    It is out and really worth the money


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