The latest iteration of the DS arrives in the UK today. I don't know if the new version makes it better or not for music apps and homebrew, but I'd be interested to know from any developers out there.
They supposedly upgraded the sound chip to be louder & clearer which would be really nice for music apps in general. I know my DS lite gets drowned out by the engine sounds on the bus, so the DSi probably shouldn't.
They supposedly upgraded the sound chip to be louder & clearer which would be really nice for music apps in general. I know my DS lite gets drowned out by the engine sounds on the bus, so the DSi probably shouldn't.
ReplyDeleteThanks for that, I wasn't aware that the chip was different.
ReplyDeleteNo homebrew, flash carts don't work.
Hi, i've try the DS10 with the DSi and now the sound is more clearer and doesn't have saturation as on the DS lite
ReplyDeleteGood to know that the DS-10 works well on the DSi, but no homebrew, that is not good at all.