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What other simulations would I like?

Having posted a couple of times on the Mini VL-Tone app, I was wondering about what other emulations of excellent (small) synths we could think of that would be great to have on the iphone, or any other mobile platform for that matter.

Here's what I would go for:

- Gnat synth
- Korg Kaosillator

So, what would you want?

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  1. Anonymous12:01 pm

    TX81z. Speak and spell (not exactly a synth, I know!). Korg Wavedrum. Syndrum (coupled with accelerometer like Cowbell Plus, this would be awesome). Musical calculators. An official, proper, TB-303. SH-101.

    If I could have all those by next week please.

  2. Anonymous1:30 pm

    Then as if by magic, a 303 sim appeared... Digital Bass Line. £2.99 on the app store. Just got it now.

  3. Really like the SH101 idea. I think a WASP would be good as well as the old Gnat.


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