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Useful books: Handmade Electronic Music

Handmade Electronic Music

The Resonance hardware hacking workshop that I went to a few weeks ago was run by Nicolas Collins, and this is his book.

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  1. Anonymous5:50 pm

    I just got this book yesterday! I've only read the first chapter so far but I already love it. Collins seems like an awesome guy.

  2. Thanks Evan, I met him last month and he is a great guy. I emailed him after the Resonance workshop and he emailed back within an hour.

    When you've read more of the book maybe you could send me a little review?

  3. Anonymous4:01 pm

    Nic is great! He definitely takes the whole STEIM approach, which can really "tech-ie" quickly, and makes it quite accessible.

    I just did my own review of the book over here:


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