iPhone App Directory

303 App comparison

Video comparing the three (current) 303 type apps available for the iPhone.

Randgrid available at the iTunes App Store

Bassline for iPhone at the App Store

Digital Bass Line is available at the iTunes App Store

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  1. Anonymous1:17 pm

    Three 303-type apps for the iPhone?? Not counting NoiseIO (truley dreadful non-standard interface guys)- it's sooooo boring.

    Okay Palm Sounds, want a winner? It has to be "Bassline" imo. Cos those x-y controllers rock- with an interface like the touch one. Dead easy, dead hands on- perfect.

    but then the 303 on iPhone theme gets it in the knackers......

    Randgrid comes second- only cos it has drums -but I still cant figure out how it works :(

    The worst is that one made by Pure Profit . that name imo sums them up- except it looks like they may have "less profit" now ;) "Android" was awesome. I was really expecting these guys to do something totally cool with the technology that they had for Android- but we get this lump of leather instead- why?!? It's all wrong- including that interface- just looking at you trying to move those silly 'realistic knobs'.

    Sorry for the rant, but Apple stuff used to be the platform for those cutting edge wares- remember Cellsynth, Metasynth, Supercollider etc etc..? Er, Logic?! :) So whatthappened guys? Why does the iPhone music app scene have to be so 'normal'?

    IMO Microbe on Palm is still the handheld 303 clone-king.

  2. Interesting debate you sparked off here. However, I do agree about Microbe.


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